ESG scoring and investing thumbnail

ESG Scoring and Investing

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Build a Market Risk Dashboard - e-Learning course webinar

Build a Market Risk Dashboard

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

data analytics python

Data Analytics (Python)

Welcome! Please download course materials before launching lessons under course content. Downloadable Course Materials 1. Where lessons present exercises, this Python code lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills.     2. The Python code refers to this Excel spreadsheet for market data.   …

Data Analytics (Python) Lire plus "

Demo - e-Learning course

Cours de démonstration

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Nom du cours

Bienvenue ! Veuillez cliquer sur l'onglet "Matériel" ci-dessus pour télécharger des fichiers à utiliser au fur et à mesure des leçons et des sujets. Un certificat personnalisé vous sera délivré avec un score minimum de 70% à l'examen. Veuillez cliquer sur l'une des leçons ou l'un des sujets ci-dessous ...

Nom du cours Lire plus "

Bond Trading - e-Learning course

Négociation d'obligations

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Machine Learning - e-Learning course

Apprentissage automatique

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Investment Risk Management - e-Learning course

Gestion du risque d'investissement

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

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