ESG scoring and investing thumbnail

ESG Scoring and Investing

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Build a Market Risk Dashboard - e-Learning course webinar

Build a Market Risk Dashboard

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

data analytics python

Data Analytics (Python)

Welcome! Please download course materials before launching lessons under course content. Downloadable Course Materials 1. Where lessons present exercises, this Python code lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills.     2. The Python code refers to this Excel spreadsheet for market data.   …

Data Analytics (Python) Read More »

Demo - e-Learning course

Demo Course

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Course Name

Welcome! Please click on the ‘Materials’ tab above to download files to use, as you go through lessons and topics.Your total score is based on your grade on the exam. A personalized certificate will be issued to you with a minimum exam score of 70%. Please click on any of the lessons or topics below …

Course Name Read More »

Bond Trading - e-Learning course

Bond Trading

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Machine Learning - e-Learning course

Machine Learning

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Investment Risk Management - e-Learning course

Investment Risk Management

Welcome! Please download the Excel spreadsheet before launching lessons under course content. Where lessons present exercises, this spreadsheet lets you engage in these exercises in a hands-on way, side-by-side with the presentation, to develop practical skills. Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

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